How to Enable Multiple Users to Simultaneously Use Windows 10
How to Enable Multiple Users to Simultaneously Use Windows 10

How to Enable Multiple Users to Simultaneously Use Windows 10

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This guide explores how multiple users can simultaneously use Windows 10, despite Microsoft’s restrictions on concurrent sessions.

1. Introduction

Windows 10, by default, does not support multiple users simultaneously using the same computer. Unlike Windows Server editions, which allow multiple remote sessions, Windows 10 is designed for a single user per session. However, there are workarounds that enable multiple users to access Windows 10 at the same time. In this guide, we will explore different methods to achieve this functionality.

2. Can Multiple Users Use Windows 10 Simultaneously?

Windows 10 does not natively support multiple simultaneous sessions, as it is a single-user operating system. While users can switch accounts, only one person can actively use the system at any given time. Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) is another option, but by default, logging in remotely forces the local user to log out. To bypass these restrictions, users can apply certain tweaks, though some may carry risks.

3. Methods to Enable Multiple Users on Windows 10

Method 1: Using RDP Wrapper

RDP Wrapper is an open-source project that enables multiple concurrent RDP sessions on Windows 10. Instead of modifying system files, it works as a layer between the Remote Desktop Service and Service Control Manager.

Steps to Install RDP Wrapper:

  1. Download RDP Wrapper Library
      • Go to GitHub and download the latest version of RDP Wrapper Library.
  1. Extract the RDP Wrapper Library
      • Extract the ZIP file and ensure it contains files such as:
        • install.bat, uninstall.bat, update.bat
        • RDPCheck.exe
        • RDPConf.exe
        • RDPWinst.exe
  1. Install RDP Wrapper
      • Right-click install.bat and select Run as administrator.
      • The installation will place RDP Wrapper in C:\Program Files\RDP Wrapper.
  1. Check Configuration
      • Open RDPConfig.exe to verify that RDP Wrapper is running.
      • If the status shows "Not Supported," download the latest rdpwrap.ini file from GitHub and replace the existing one in C:\Program Files\RDP Wrapper.
  1. Run RDPCheck
      • Open RDPCheck.exe to verify multiple users can now use Windows 10 simultaneously.

Method 2: Modifying the termsrv.dll File

Another way to enable multiple RDP sessions is by modifying the termsrv.dll file, which controls Remote Desktop licensing.

Steps to Modify termsrv.dll:

  1. Stop Remote Desktop Services
      • Press Win + R, type services.msc, and press Enter.
      • Locate Remote Desktop Services, right-click, and select Stop.
  1. Backup the termsrv.dll File
      • Open Command Prompt as Administrator.
      • Run:
        • copy C:\Windows\System32\termsrv.dll termsrv.dll_old
  1. Modify Registry Values
      • Open Command Prompt as Administrator and run:
        • REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v fSingleSessionPerUser /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
      • Alternatively, open Registry Editor and navigate to:
        • Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server
          Change fDenyTSConnections and fSingleSessionPerUser values to 0.
  1. Edit the termsrv.dll File
      • Navigate to C:\Windows\System32, find termsrv.dll, and take ownership of the file.
      • Modify file permissions to grant full control to administrators.
      • Replace the modified termsrv.dll file.
  1. Restart Remote Desktop Services
      • Open Services Management Console (services.msc).
      • Start Remote Desktop Services.
      • You should now be able to establish multiple simultaneous RDP sessions.

Method 3: Using Third-Party Applications

Third-party applications like TeamViewer, AnyDesk, or Chrome Remote Desktop can allow multiple users to access Windows 10 simultaneously.

Examples of Third-Party Software:

  • TeamViewer – Allows multiple users to control a remote computer at the same time.
  • AnyDesk – Provides low-latency remote access for multiple sessions.
  • Chrome Remote Desktop – Enables multiple users to access a Windows 10 computer via a browser.

4. Conclusion

Windows 10 does not natively support multiple simultaneous users. However, with tools like RDP Wrapper, modifications to the termsrv.dll file, or third-party applications, it is possible to enable concurrent sessions. Be cautious when applying system tweaks, as improper modifications can cause system instability. Always create backups before making any changes.

Disclaimer: Some of these methods involve modifying system files, which may pose security risks. Use them at your own discretion.