Windows Image Port 33091


port drive

Released Windows with port 33091. This Image was built especially for Installation on Digital Ocean, because recently Digital Ocean blocked port 3389 for open RDP. But you can use the image for Different Provider.

What is Different?

There is much different from older image with regular port. Here is the changes:

  • Change RDP port from 3389 to 33091
  • Turn off the firewall

How to access RDP from port 33091

To open RDP with port 33091 is simple. Just open it with mstsc or others application following with port.

IP Address:Port


port 33091

Why turn off the firewall

Well it is because with port 33091, Windows will blocked access to connect with port 33091, so we must do it manually to open the port through panel and firewall port setting. In conclusion we turn it off to make it easier to access the RDP through 33091 or different port

Where I can find the link?

You can find those here or here

  • Windows Server R2

  • Windows Server 2016

  • Windows Server 2019

  • Windows Server 2022

  • Windows 10

  • Windows 11

Yet another Method to change Windows Port

There is another method to change your usual Windows Port. We have released a tool that can easily change the usual port to any port you like.

You can reference to this tools:  WindowsPortChanger


This Windows Installation use subscription. And we are not giving it fo free. 5$/yearlyYou can make payment. Through Paypal, Cryptocoins, Dana, Ovo, Bank Transfer

1. These images are made for learning purposes only, if you need to use them for a long time, please use a genuine Windows key to activate the system.
2. All images are made by the original MSDN, I can guarantee that there is no private goods, if you do not believe me, please do not use.
3. After Windows installation success on the server, you need to manually expand the disk.
4. Using Windows images may violate the TOS of some merchants, and I am not responsible for being punished by merchants for using images created by me.
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KVM · meocloud · vps · windows · Windows GZ · Windows Server · Windows Server 2016

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